Last week we discussed Supernatural Aid. This week we’ll talk about Nature as Supernatural Aid. While there are many forms of Supernatural Aid an ecospiritual seeker could rely on, nature is one of the more convenient ones, since most of us have the opportunity to experience nature in some form. I grew up on a 400-acre farm in the 1960s […]
Nature as Supernatural Aid
Answering the Call
Like Coyote in the story from last week, a person who refuses to answer the Call to Adventure has little or no confidence in themselves. When you have received the call, you stand at a crossroads. You have a choice. You are free to choose to continue to refuse the Call to Adventure. Such a refusal means staying in the […]
The Monomyth
The Monomyth was the creation of Joseph Campbell, who was an American mythologist best known for his works and lectures in comparative mythology and comparative religion. His personal philosophy is often summarized in the phrase, “Follow your bliss.” One of his areas of study was the archetypal nature of world mythologies. He noted that myths from around the world followed […]
Mindful Walking
Mindful Walking utilizes mindfulness and ecopsychology as emotional regulation skills. This is especially true if you are able to do this exercise outdoors. Mindful walking may be used to de-fuse potential emotional aggression. If you feel that one of your triggers has been activated, and you can take a break, go outside and do a little mindful walking! The goal […]
What is Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy (MBE)?
“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” – Henry David Thoreau, Walden Do you enjoy nature? Have you ever been camping, hiking or […]