School Shootings – Charlton Hall on WSPA Channel 7 Charlton Hall chairs the behavioral health department at ReGenesis Health Care, and said the school shooting in Parkland, Florida made it to the minds of his patients who’ve dealt with trauma. “Because it’s just another reminder that the world isn’t always a safe place,” said Hall. It’s a conversation he said parents need to have in their homes too. […]

MBE Trifold Brochure

The brochure above contains additional information about the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Program. If you are a certified facilitator of the Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy program or are interested in becoming one, you may download and print the brochure below to promote your own program. It contains to blank areas for you to include information about your own local program. Mindfulness-Based Ecotherapy Trifold Brohure

New Online Continuing Education Courses

The courses below are currently being developed. Have a course you’d like to see added? Use the contact form below to make a course suggestion! Register to receive this blog if you’d like to be informed of courses as they’re added! 7Cs of Mindful Parenting ACT: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy ADHD: Non-Medical Approaches to Treatment ADHD vs. PTSD: Differential Diagnosis and […]

What is Ecotherapy?

For most of its existence homo sapiens has lived in harmony with nature as hunter/gatherers. Such a lifestyle requires a vast knowledge of the seasons, and of the patterns and habits of wildlife, and of plants and herbs and their healing powers. Industrialization and urbanization are fairly recent phenomena on an evolutionary scale. We still carry the genetic memory of […]

Doing, Being, Thinking and Sensing

A key aspect of mindfulness is stepping outside of doing mode and entering into being mode. When we’re caught up in thought and feeling cycles that lead to depression and anxiety, we usually feel that we should be doing something to fix it. The problem with this is that sometimes there is nothing you can do to fix a problem. […]