Wise Mind is a stable balance between Emotional Mind and Rational Mind. Emotional aggression comes solely from Emotional Mind. Emotional aggression is emotion run rampant. Emotional avoidance, on the other hand, comes solely from Rational Mind. It is devoid of emotion. Rational Mind can be cold and unfeeling, and in response to emotional aggression, Rational Mind results in an emotional […]
Wise Mind and Being Non-judgmental
The 7Cs of Family Resilience
All families encounter problems from time to time. When families go through a crisis, some fall apart, while others manage to “ride the storm out” and come through the other side relatively intact. Research has shown that families who manage to handle a crisis effectively all have certain characteristics in common. These characteristics are called resiliency factors. Family Resilience Factors […]
The Assumptions-Perceptions-Reality Triad
Our assumptions work together to create our perceptions, and our perceptions create our reality. Let’s take a closer look at how this process works. Suppose I have an assumption that, “Everybody in the world is out to get me.” That assumption will set my perception filter to look for evidence that supports my assumption. So any time anyone acts towards […]
Negative and Positive Thoughts
Human beings in general are very good at getting caught in negative thought processes. You might try this activity sometime to illustrate the point: Buy a bag of marbles and carry them in your pocket all day. Every time you catch yourself having a negative thought during the day, take a marble out of the bag and put it loose […]