Like Coyote in the story from last week, a person who refuses to answer the Call to Adventure has little or no confidence in themselves. When you have received the call, you stand at a crossroads. You have a choice. You are free to choose to continue to refuse the Call to Adventure. Such a refusal means staying in the […]
Answering the Call
Refusal of the Call
The Refusal of the Call happens when the pain of changing is greater than the pain of staying the same. The People went in search of Coyote to ask him to go on a quest to find a new place for the People. Chief Buffalo sent Brother Eagle and Sister Cougar to find him. They came upon Coyote playing in […]
Characteristics of Shamanism
Shamanism is known throughout most indigenous cultures of the world. The word shaman itself comes from the Evenk language (Tungusic) of North Asia, and originally meant, “one who knows,” so a shaman is a wise person. The word itself is North Asian in origin, but most primal cultures had some sort of concept of the shaman, even though they might […]